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Awesome Maps (

Welcome to Nottingham City Council's mapping homepage.

We produce a number of map-based resources at the council; you can find them linked here.

Nottinghamshire Insight Mapping

A dynamic map which shows as much of our data as possible.

Open Nottinghamshire insight mapping...

My property

Find information about your local area

Open my property...

Address finder

Find information about your address

Open the address finder...

Adopted highways

Find out about our highway adoptions

Open the adopted highways register...

Gritting routes and grit bins

A map showing the location of Nottingham City gritting routes (including trunk roads)

Open gritting routes and grit bins...

Conservation areas

Conservation areas in Nottingham

Open conservation areas...

Find my polling station

Polling stations and districts

Open find my polling station...

Find a primary school near me

Information on primary school locations and oversubscriptions

Open 'find a primary school near me'...

PDF maps

Nottingham city centre map

A schematic map showing the city and its major points of interest

Open the city centre map

PDF map library

A link to the folder on Nottingham Insight which contains all of our PDF format maps.

Open the map library